You may have noticed, I added a new feature to my side-bar, with a very similar title to this entry.
Are you a musician, artist, or perfomer who would like to have their work reviewed? Are you looking for quotes for your press-kit? Would you like to find out what critics might think about your most recent work?
Email for questions about how to submit your work for review.
A quick perusal of my back-log will show you some examples of recent works of art that I have critiqued. If you think your art (and your promotions efforts) could benefit from such a treatment, let me know, pass the work along, and I'll give it an indepth analysis and be pretty honest about it. If you think that you (or your portfolio) could benefit from this, be in touch.
Obviously, this sort of thing benefits you at the same time that it benefits me. You get promotion, I get readership. I get readership, you get more promotion. Get it? "Readership" and "Promotion" become (and always are and were) overlapping and interchangeable terms. Who can lose?
Plus, I'm always on the look out for new and interesting art (and things to write about and wrap my head around).
Be in touch.

- Bernard P. Provencher LeVautour
- Phoenix, Arizona, United States
- musician...artist...bartender...writer...quasi-academic-freelance-literary-something-or-other...rabble-rouser... beat-builder...connoisseur-of-crazy-critical-theory...etc.
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